Fluid browser alternative
Fluid browser alternative

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#Fluid browser alternative series#

We host an Environmental Fluid Dynamics Seminar Series to bring in preeminent researchers to Notre Dame Campus for short visits on behalf of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Group The aim is to exchange ideas and spark collaborations.We maintain world-class research facilities for physical, field and numerical experimentation at the Fitzpatrick and Cushing Halls of Engineering, with physical laboratories located in Fitzpatrick A59 and B28.We host a cadre of graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research faculty, and short- and long-term academic visitors.We work on a wide range of problems with environmental implications.Areas of Interestįundamental concepts of fluid dynamics including turbulent flows, experimental methods, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, environmental sciences and engineering, air pollution, alternative energy sources, acoustics, heat transfer and hydraulics and fluids engineering. We are especially interested in tracking problems that can do greater good to our communities, in parallel with the Catholic character of the University of Notre Dame and we strive to build research infrastructure to enhance Environmental Fluid Mechanics research at Notre Dame. We develop and apply fundamental knowledge and novel tools to describe atmospheric, oceanic, limnologic, riverine, flow and transport, their driving mechanisms, and their relationships to our global and local environment. Our research is dedicated to the understanding and modeling of dispersion and transport phenomena in the atmosphere, oceans and industrial situations. The Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory is a part of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics (EFD) Group at University of Notre Dame.

Fluid browser alternative